Our Services
Care Home Services:
We can serve care homes, residential and nursing homes for their resident's medication. We can tailor the service to suit your needs and deliver excellent care. Our Pharmacists will be at hand to advice you of the best medicine management system for your care home.
The range of medication systems we can use are:
- Nomad Concise (racks)
- Nomad Clear Trays
Biodose is a very innovative design that helps Care & Nursing Home assistants to provide medication in an effective, efficient and controlled way.
Our Pharmacists at Halliwell Late Night Pharmacy will manage the changeover process from your current pharmacy provider to Halliwell Late Night Pharmacy.
We will manage the prescription collections from surgeries and manage the prescription queries.
Process the medicines into medication systems and deliver your monthly (28 day) medicines with MAR Charts at least FOUR days before the medication start date.
Have a late cut-off time of 7pm for emergency/acute prescriptions and delivered the same day by our drivers.
Direct contact with the Pharmacist and the dispensary team for friendly reliable advice and training.
Supplied with a Medicine Administration Record (MAR) chart.
We are committed to providing an excellent service to our Care Home clients. As a Pharmacy we already understand the importance of supplying the correct medication.
If you would like more information on this service or would like one of our qualified pharmacists to arrange a time to speak to you about it's benefits, please do give us a call on 01204 548854